Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Week 18 Lecture Notes Available

I've made available for you my lecture notes from last week's seminar on Craig Chapter's 3 and 4, also connecting them with Quarter Ch. 2. I've uploaded my notes to the blog and you can download the PDF from here, or by going to the "Lecture and Seminar Supplement" section of this blog.

In the lecture notes I guide you through these two crucial chapters and point out the important parts to focus on, key points you should understand well, and questions you should be able to answer.

NOTE: As I stated to you last week in class, these chapters, as well as Craig's Ch. 2 and parts of Quarter Chs. 1 and 2, and our understanding of the "social economy" to date, are crucial for you doing a good job in your Alternative Firm Analysis paper , as well as for completing your term projects on your firms successfully. So study them using the strategies I've been showing you in class. In other words, as I've been suggesting to you for the past few weeks, you should be incorporating relevant parts of Craig's, Quarter's, and the social economists' analyses (and any other relevant sources from the course) directly into your forthcoming papers and presentation; remember they are tools you can use for understanding your firms better.

So, look over your AFA paper you're going to hand in tomorrow to see if you've effectively incorporated course materials and, in particular, Craig's analysis, into your papers. For example, where might Craig's analysis of values and ideologies and organizational structures of coops (Ch. 2), segmental cooperatives (Ch. 3), or comprehensive coops (Ch. 4) apply to your firm? Again, you can use my lecture notes from last week, as well as the notes I made available to you from Week 16 and Week 17 for guidance.

Good luck in completing the AFA's!

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